Could Illinois be next to legalize recreational marijuana?

Illinois lawmakers propose legalizing recreational marijuana, but a vote is not expected until next year. The state would license and regulate businesses to grow, process and sell the plant, and it would establish safety regulations such as testing and labeling requirements, sponsors said. The measure would also allow residents to possess up to 28 grams […]

Will PA legalize recreational Marijuana any time soon? 

Since Pennsylvania is not a referendum state, meaning voters cannot get a question regarding the law placed on the ballot, it will be up to the legislature to take the lead if recreational marijuana is to be legalized. Gov. Tom Wolf believes “We just aren’t ready yet.” However, recently Auditor General Eugene Depasquale of PA described he […]

After legalization, teen marijuana use drops sharply in Colorado – The Washington Post

One of legalization opponents’ greatest fears has so far failed to materialize… Teen marijuana use drops sharply in Colorado in the years 2014 and 2015, after the opening of that state’s recreational marijuana market, new federal survey data show…. Year-over-year teen marijuana use fell in most states during that time period, including in Washington, the […]