Delaware’s Opinion on Legalization, regulation and taxation of recreational marijuana
A great discussion out of Delaware reading the benefits of legalizing marijuana for adult use.
| Delaware Cape Gazette
Let us discuss whether marijuana should be legalized, regulated and taxed similar to alcohol for adults 21 and older.Excise tax revenue alone is conservatively estimated to generate $21.5 million annually. Additionally, millions of dollars would be generated each year in corporate and personal income and payroll taxes. Hundreds of jobs would be created in construction, security, legal, accounting, agriculture, inspection, regulation, retail and other fields. As we continue to lose large employers and struggle with our state budget, we need to look at alternative revenue sources while we continue to eliminate wasteful spending.
The addictiveness of marijuana is about the same as caffeinated coffee. Marijuana is not the gateway drug that some would have you believe. The healthcare costs associated with marijuana pale by comparison to the healthcare costs associated with tobacco and alcohol. LR&T of small quantities of recreational marijuana has not been shown to increase teen usage.
Alcohol is linked to violent and aggressive behavior, whereas marijuana is not. The facts show that a state can achieve benefits from a strong marijuana regulatory framework.
It is time for us to engage in an earnest discussion about LR&T recreational marijuana use for adults 21 years of age and older. An adult who chooses to smoke marijuana in the privacy of their own home and not in the presence of a minor child should not be criminally prosecuted.
The vast majority of adults can drink responsibly, take their prescription medications responsibly and can use recreational marijuana responsibly. I do not promote the use of alcohol, tobacco or marijuana, but I do believe it is a personal choice for an adult to make.
I believe the excise tax revenue should be earmarked to be used for education initiatives, opiate addiction treatment and law enforcement.
In my humble opinion, if Delaware were to LR&T recreational marijuana we could fund our educational goals, provide much-needed addiction treatment, reduce crime and avoid raising taxes.
Brad Eaby is a Democratic candidate for lieutenant governor
Source: BESmartDE– Legalization, regulation and taxation of recreational marijuana | Cape Gazette