Nevada Marijuana Bills to Watch
It’s the boldest attempt yet by a U.S. marijuana state to avoid federal intervention
Source: Colorado Marijuana: State Tries to Avoid Trump Crackdown |
General Assembly leaders have coalesced around a plan to issue an additional five medical marijuana growing licenses and increase the likelihood several of those lucrative deals went to minority-owned companies.
The deal, though, falls short of demands lodged by the influential Legislative Black Caucus, which wanted to disband the Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission and put the licensing process on hold.
Maryland’s medical marijuana program is among the slowest in the country to get off the ground and, in recent months, has been beset by lawsuits and legislative wrangling over how licenses should be awarded.
The beleaguered cannabis commissioners say the program is on the brink of becoming operational and, provided legislators do not cause delays, patients could start receiving the drug this summer.
Worried about a possible federal crackdown on state-licensed pot dealers, legislators are seeking to block local law enforcement agencies from assisting the feds.
Licensed marijuana growers work with scientific institutions in clinical trials towards the development of cannabis strains that treat a variety of illnesses and disorders. One step forward for the Israel cannabis market.
There are about 120 studies ongoing in Israel, including clinical trials looking at the effects of cannabis on autism, epilepsy, psoriasis, and tinnitus.
In contrast to the United States, which is currently the biggest legal marijuana market, authorities in Israel are liberal in their support of research and development.
The government gave the go-ahead in February to legislation that would allow export.
But importing cannabis to the United States is illegal under federal law. The only way to get around the ban is to receive approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
[While in ]Canada, for instance, exports medical cannabis to Australia, Croatia, and Chile.
More than 500 Israeli companies have applied for licenses to grow, manufacture and export cannabis products, according to government officials, and some are already capitalizing on the booming U.S. market.
In the past year, U.S. and other firms have invested about $100 million to license Israeli medical marijuana patents, cannabis agro-tech startups and firms developing delivery devices such as inhalers.
Source: Medical Marijuana: Israel Using Tech to Get Into Cannabis Market |
Illinois lawmakers propose legalizing recreational marijuana, but a vote is not expected until next year.
The state would license and regulate businesses to grow, process and sell the plant, and it would establish safety regulations such as testing and labeling requirements, sponsors said.
The measure would also allow residents to possess up to 28 grams of pot, or about an ounce, and to grow five plants.
Source: Illinois lawmakers propose legalizing recreational marijuana – Chicago Tribune
Ohio’s new law on medical marijuana prohibits private laboratories from testing medical marijuana’s properties for one year.
No other state tests medical marijuana like this, because university officials are way of losing federal money.
Source: Testing could stall access to medical marijuana in Ohio
(AP) – The Arkansas House has voted against House Bill 1392 to ban marijuana edibles in the state. Local Representatives were split on the issue. Nelda Speaks, Scott Baltz, John Payton and David Branscum voted for the
Source: Proposed ban on marijuana edibles fails in Arkansas House | KTLO LLC