Massachusetts Legislatures Meet on Marijuana Policy
The Legislature’s Joint Committee on Marijuana Policy, considered a number of issues related to the implementation of recreational marijuana in Mass. on Monday.
State Rep. Shaunna O’Connell, R-Taunton proposed
a bill, H.3194, that would add recreational marijuana to a list of items that welfare recipients are prohibited from using cash benefits to buy. That list already includes alcohol, tobacco, gambling, lottery tickets and jewelry. There would be an exemption for medical marijuana.
Source: Massachusetts state rep proposes prohibiting use of welfare benefits to buy marijuana |
Both public officials and citizens addressed solutions for regulating driving under the influence, allowing cities and towns to regulate and restrict marijuana sales on a local level, as well as packaging and distribution concerns regarding the impact of edibles on adolescents.
A bill easing access for parents seeking medicine for their children was also discussed. One mother of an epptic child described finding a doctor who will prescribe marijuana to children in Mass is like finding “a needle in a haystack.”