The purpose of this course is to introduce you to a fundamental concept for working in the cannabis industry Seed to Sale Tracking.
Cannabis legalization has been spreading like weeds.
After decades of prohibition, some of the United States, along with many other countries, are now issuing licenses to grow marijuana for both medical and recreational purposes.
Cannabis has a long and complicated history in its growing, selling and use around the world.
So why seed to sale? Well, seed to sale tracking has become critical for oversight within the cannabis industry allowing businesses to store valuable information through business intelligence.
Streamlining items for regulation to taxes, this is why it’s important to learn more about how Adilas420 can assist you with customer and client relationship cycles in this ever changing industry.
Seed to sale tracking helps regulatory agencies ensure tax collection while enabling both business security and consumer product safety.
In the following lessons we will offer an introduction to what seed to sale tracking is, the benefits of Adilas420 training of CRM reporting tools that are required data retention best practices within cannabis industry.
The best way to explain seed to sale tracking as the regulation of the 3P’s, the people, the product and the process, within the cannabis industry from seed to sale.
Regulators, business owners, employees, vendors and customers are all people (or businesses) considered in seed to sale tracking.
In most areas, a governing agency will employ regulators to oversee the tracking and tracing of cannabis businesses.
Most regulators are tracking the business licenses, registering agents along with the fact that in many states, regulators are setting up trackable medical programs for licensing medical marijuana patients.
For each license type, we will discuss the licensing and facility requirements as well as people, the product and the process involved with tracking from seed to sale.
In this course we will discuss how the people in this industry are tracking the product and the process including:
- Where it comes from
- How it is produced
- What goes into it
- What products come from it
- Test results and various product attributes
- How it is transported
- Who handles it
- Who it is given to
- How much is transferred or sold
- Financial exchanges and more
We will also discuss reporting and why the right seed to sale software is critical for your company’s success.
Regulators are using what has been termed “ track and trace software” to monitor licensing, compliance and tax collection.
Businesses are using “seed to sale software” to manage business operations including cost of goods, customer management, point of sale, advertising, financials and more.
Adilas420 offers many solutions for tracking and reporting on the people the product and the process from seed to CPA.
If you are looking for an introduction to the concept of seed to sale tracking and common regulatory requirements or are looking for strategies for tracking the people, the product and the process of the cannabis industry from seed to sale this is the right course for you.
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Watch an adilas seed to sale software demo today for specific examples of how adilas420 is being used to track and trace cannabis businesses.
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