Item Category Settings

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Item Category Settings


In Adilas, you may want to setup item categories for your e-commerce site. First, locate the inventory homepage. Select 'more options'.

Find and locate Add/Edit Inventory Categories.

Once there, if you scroll down you will see the categories already setup in your Adilas system.

To view these items in the online store.

You may want to setup a shortcut in Adilas in the Snow Owl Theme settings for the header button as shown on your screen.

The link you will need to add is shown below in the narration text, copy that and you will want to pasted into your Snow Owl Theme header settings.

To review the Snow Owl Theme Header Settings how to select the link below:

Snow Owl Theme: Payee Top Links

Let’s now review the item categories. On your screen you will see the same items reflected in Add/Edit Inventory categories.

If you ever get stuck on your shop page and need to access your main Adilas page, copy your homepage URL as shown.

Then select the back button or setup a shortcut, go to other settings from your main homepage, then ecommerce settings. scroll to header navigation, locate 1.3 Show Multi-Web Address, make sure this is selected, name the title of the drop down, for example "Where to Next?", then create a link name called Employee Homepage, paste the homepage URL in this field this will vary for each company. Then save settings.

Let’s now go back to add/edit item categories.

We are going to add a main category. For category name I am creating one named "Hardware".

I will then want to grab the image I want to upload for this category.

If this is to be shown on the web, you would want to attach an image, if it’s something like a discount you can skip uploading an image since it won’t be shown on the web.

I am going to give this a description name.

You may want to change the defaults, if you don’t just leave them as is.

For Web Alternate Message Usage, select an option or leave it defaulted.

Select show on web, you may not want this if you are setting up a discount for example.

If you ever need to delete, you can set the category to inactive and update by saving or selecting edit to save your work.

It will now show up under Active Categories if the category is set to active.

For this category to be shown in your ecommerce site, you will need to now setup your inventory for the part you want to be visible to the shopper. We will now go over these items. Select the next topic to learn more.

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About Adilas, or adilas, like, is an online business platform. We are considered a “SaaS” or Software as a Service provider. We charge a monthly fee for businesses to use our interface, functions, and tools. We give our clients full access to their data through a valid login. Depending on how the different companies choose to use the adilas platform, depends on the tools, functions, and features that they need or end up using. is a web-based hosted solution. In modern language, this is commonly known as “cloud-based”. We advertise ourselves as a “virtual data portal” to help with sales, inventory tracking, POS (point of sale), CRM (customer relationship management), online expense tracking, BI (business intelligence), payroll, timecards, scheduling, backend office, accounting functions, and much more. Read more about Adilas
Security, integrity, and back-up plans are hot topics in today’s world. We, at, take security, data integrity, and back-ups very seriously. hosts servers with top rated server farms for commercially hosted environments and implement state of the art security protocols. Common security measures such as SSL, Firewalls, virus protection, and data encryption are used. The server hosts offers 24/7 tech support and personnel monitoring in their hazard proof facility.
Yes. was originally designed for vehicle manufacturing and sales. The solution was adapted to accommodate many industries and has served thousands of cannabis businesses as a seed to sale tracking system since 2010. The system works for Governing Agencies, Dispensary’s, Cultivation, Production or Lab facilities to track and trace marijuana from seed to sale. Learn more about seed to sale software.
Yes. Adilas currently integrates directly with Franwell Metrc, Leaf Data, BioTrack, and the Washington State Liquor Board’s tracking system. We are currently working on integration with Arizona Department of Health Services web portal and will develop for other states as requested. We are currently working on solutions in Canada.
Adilas will work on any device or computer that can connect to the Internet. Adilas can be used in any web browser, although, some browsers offer more functionality than others. For best results, we recommend you use Google Chrome, Safari or Firefox. However, some printers may prefer internet explorer, which works fine too.
Adilas can work with most any hardware. It can work on any device and is compatible with standard printers, barcode scanners, magnetic swipers ect. For recommended hardware see products and solutions.
Plans vary depending on the size of the business and what tools or integration is required. Checkout software prices and purchase today in our secure e-commerce platform.

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