Several states are currently accepting Cannabis Business License Applications. We will list them below along with their respected deadlines. If you are looking at opening your own cannabis business, we are here to help! From California, to Maine, Alaska and Hawaii, we have your cannabis business needs covered from Seed to Sale.
States Accepting License Applications in 2023:
- Illinois is accepting cannabis business applications until March 3, 2023.
- Texas is accepting applications until April 28, 2023.
- Florida will begin accepting applications for 22 licensing spots available during the 2023 year. However, the state has not announced the opening date yet.
- Virginia will begin selling cannabis in January of 2024. Licensing application deadlines will likely be in late 2023.
We offer cannabis business license application writing services.
In addition, we can help with some of the requirements of the application. We offer state specific Standard Operating Procedures that adhere to the rules set forth by the state. Most states require Standard Operating Procedures and a Business Plan as part of their cannabis business license applications packet. Lastly, if you are looking for a diversity plan, we have those as well!