Florida Legislature Back on Path to Passing Medical Marijuana Bill 

Under the agreement, there will be a limit of 25 retail dispensaries per medical marijuana treatment center, which can increase by five for every 100,000 patients added to the registry. The cap would expire on April 1, 2020. The legislation also adds 10 more medical marijuana treatment centers, meaning there would be 17 statewide by […]

Changes To Washington’s Marijuana Laws as of June 23, 2017

Be prepared, because these statutory changes will become law on June 23. Source: ICYMI: Big Changes Coming To Washington’s Marijuana Laws | Above the Law   Contact Adilas420 for assistance with implementing compliance with any of the changes.

Getting a license to grow medicinal marijuana in Ohio

In the 12 months since lawmakers passed, and Gov. John Kasich signed the legislation allowing medical marijuana in Ohio, three state agencies and a new panel have been busy finalizing the rules that will control how marijuana is grown, processed, tested and sold. Source: Getting license to grow medicinal marijuana not easy

What is the future of Marijuana Business in Iowa?

Iowa’s medical marijuana oil program will start in weeks, but obtaining the medicine will be difficult and manufacturers said it’s unclear if the state’s effort will be viable. Source: Medical marijuana businesses unsure about future in Iowa – StarTribune.com

Maryland Court Grants Stay in Medical Marijuana Case | Maryland News | US News

Maryland’s highest court on Friday agreed to hear arguments from attorneys who represent finalists for licenses to grow medical marijuana. The attorneys say their clients should be allowed to intervene in a legal case that seeks to block a state commission from awarding any more licenses until a lawsuit is resolved. Read the full story […]