Mexico Officially Legalizes Medical Marijuana

“With medical cannabis fully legal in Canada and now in Mexico, we wonder how long it will be before the United States joins the rest of North America in reforming laws at the national/federal level,” added Dr. Titus. “With 30 U.S. States approving medical cannabis and 17 others with CBD-only laws, we feel the real […]

Canada Issues Guidelines for Safer Use of Marijuana

“The guidelines, which were released today (June 23) by the Canadian Research Initiative on Substance Misuse, are meant to educate marijuana users so that they can make choices that could modify the risks from the drug…” Source: Canada Issues Guidelines for Safer Use of Marijuana

Got an Odor Plan?

Last year, Denver officials developed new rules that require marijuana grows and edible manufacturers, along with pet food manufacturing plants, sewage treatment facilities and other pungent properties, to develop Odor Control Plans outlining how they would manage smells wafting from their sites. Source: Denver marijuana facilities without odor plans could face punishment, city says – Denverite

Vermont expands medical marijuana plan

Vermont Gov. Phil Scott added Parkinson’s, Crohn’s and PTSD to the state’s medical marijuana plan, just weeks after rejecting a recreational marijuana plan. Source: Vermont expands medical marijuana plan – Jun. 12, 2017

Florida legislature reaches agreement on medical marijuana bill

Under the agreement, there will be a limit of 25 retail dispensaries per medical marijuana treatment center, which can increase by five for every 100,000 patients added to the registry. Source: Legislature reaches agreement on medical marijuana bill

The LA Times reports legal marijuana could add $5-billion to California’s economy. 

California is on the verge of creating a legal market for marijuana worth more than $5 billion that will help make the state a destination for pot-loving tourists, according to a new state-sponsored economic study. Californians currently spend $7.7 billion annually on marijuana, most of it on the illegal market, but a new licensing system […]

Voters want to dictate tax rates in Massachusetts legislation for marijuana

A bill that would change the voter-approved law is expected by the end of the month. The law established a 3.75 percent tax rate on marijuana sales, on top of the state’s 6.25 percent sales tax. Cities or towns have the ability to add their own 2 percent tax as well. Source: Marijuana Activists Say […]

Medical Marijuana Applications Process for Arkansas

The medical marijuana applications process period for Arkansas will open June 30 and go on for 90 days. The commission will distribute 32 dispensary licenses and five cultivation facility licenses. According to the Associated Press and as published by the Source: Arkansas Decides Process for Medical Marijuana Applications | Arkansas News | US News US […]