Oregon opens application process for marijuana licenses | OregonLive.com

Adilas420 consultants are available to help with the application writing and organization process. Ask an Adilas420 consultant for help with your application by clicking here. The Oregon Liquor Control Commission early Monday opened the state’s online application system for marijuana licenses. The agency initially planned to staff a call center with staff and policy experts to take […]

Marijuana is in The 5 Fastest-Growing Industries in the U.S. | Inc.com

Motion-capture software is also one of the fastest growing industries?! How could we incorporate motion capture into Adilas software marijuana? For monitoring plants? For Security? Distribution? Imagine the ways… should we ask the Adilas developers to start working on it?   Cider production. Motion-capture software. Telehealth services. Marijuana. Here are the sectors that are projected […]

Growing Green: Weed From an ex-Chocolate Factory in Canada – Bloomberg Business

A factory once owned by Hershey in Canada now makes products that offer a slightly stronger buzz than a milk chocolate kiss. The site in Smith Falls, Ontario, has 168,000 square feet that is licensed by the government for medical marijuana production. Tweed’s sales could reach C$100 million a year for its many home-grown varieties and blends. Photographer: James MacDonald/Bloomberg Source: […]

Tech mavericks see green in burgeoning marijuana industry | The Sacramento Bee

“The ArcView Group, which sells research data to industry investors, says legalization of recreational use in California could more than double the national marijuana market – currently estimated at $2.7 billion in annual sales in states with legal medicinal or social use. But the Golden State initiative is merely another unfolding chapter in the fast-evolving market for […]

Glitch in new marijuana law has some California cities scrambling – San Francisco Chronicle

California’s new medical marijuana laws were supposed to provide more structure and clarity for the state’s loosely regulated, billion-dollar industry, but in the past few weeks, dozens of municipalities have ignored that intention by moving quickly to ban delivery and other activities codified by the legislation. Advocates and legislators hope the bans are only a […]

Travel Guru Rick Steves Has The Best Advice For Fighting ‘Big Marijuana’ | The Weed Blog

It is important for small start up businesses getting into the marijuana industry to keep control of their own data, progress and contributions to their communities. Consumers will appreciate their neighborhood markets and locally grown products as long as they are educated. America’s recent rebel against “big agriculture” supports this concept. “Rick Steves offered up that advice […]

Pesticides Lead to Biggest Marijuana Recall Yet in Colorado | WAAX-AM

“According to the Cannabist, Mountain High Suckers’ products tested positive for imidacloprid and myclobutanil, pesticides Hickenlooper has called a “threat to public safety” and that the state has banned for use on marijuana. Back in November, Colorado’s Gov. John Hickenlooper ordered the destruction of any marijuana treated with unapproved pesticides or any product made with that marijuana. […]

The Big Deal About Big Data And What It Means For IT And You – Forbes

“Big Data is the new IT buzzword. Companies are spending on Big Data, but how do the use it to make better decisions, work more productively and take better actions? How does a company go from spending on big data to making it a competitive advantage for their business?” Checkout this Forbes article on the […]

Oregon News – New year brings changes to Oregon state marijuana program

“Online applications become available Jan. 4 for recreational marijuana outlets. This includes six types of permits, from growers, processors and wholesalers to retailers and laboratories. The number of applications are unlimited, Mark Pettinger, Oregon Liquor Control Commission spokesman said, unlike Washington which capped its retail licenses.” “The whole focus of this it to have a […]

A Look Back at Marijuana in 2015; and Ahead to 2016 

  “Compared to our recent dramatic electoral victories in 2012 and again in 2014, 2015 was a slow year. We made some modest gains, but nothing dramatic.” “The one most significant statewide victory during 2015 came in Delaware, where the state legislature decriminalized minor marijuana offenses ($100 civil fine for possession of up to one […]