Medical marijuana expansion ready for approval in Florida

Lawmakers are poised to approve legalizing full-strength marijuana for terminally ill patients after supporters fought off attempts in the Senate to expand the proposal Friday. Lawmakers are poised to approve legalizing full-strength marijuana for terminally ill patients after supporters fought off attempts in the Senate to expand the proposal Friday. The measure would make full-strength […]

New medical marijuana laws in place in Detroit 

Detroit has a new set of medical marijuana laws that officially went into effect on Thursday that requires owners of dispensaries to have a license to do business. Source: New medical marijuana laws in place in Detroit – Story | WJBK

Citizen petition for Maine marijuana legalization fails — 

Citizen petition for Maine marijuana legalization and fail. There were nearly 48,000 invalid signatures on petitions for An Act to Legalize Marijuana, according to the secretary of state’s office. AUGUSTA, Maine — An attempt to ask Maine voters in a November 2016 referendum whether they want to legalize recreational marijuana has failed, the secretary of state’s office […]

John Morgan confident medical marijuana will pass second time around | WFTV

Supporters of medical marijuana in Florida have gathered enough signatures to get Amendment 2 back on the ballot come November. ORLANDO, Fla. — Supporters of medical marijuana in Florida have gathered enough signatures to get Amendment 2 back on the ballot come November. In 2014, the medical marijuana movement missed 2 percent of the vote it […]

Court ruling in Montana inspires pro and anti marijuana campaigns

Those for and against marijuana say they plan to carry on with their campaigns and continue to collect signatures. BILLINGS –Just one day after the Montana Supreme Court upheld nearly all of the Montana Medical Marijuana Act, those for and against marijuana say they plan to carry on with their campaigns and continue to collect […]

As a State of Islands Marijuana Sales Tricky for Hawaii – ABC News

With less than five months to go before medical marijuana dispensaries can open in Hawaii, business owners could be facing unique obstacles in a state of islands separated by federal waters. Dispensaries can open as soon as July 15, but industry experts say they could be confronted with challenges unlike those in other states, such […]

Senate passes controversial medical marijuana bill |

Applause and tears filled the Utah Senate chamber Thursday as a controversial medical marijuana bill passed with more yes votes than expected. SALT LAKE CITY — Tears filled Enedina Stanger’s eyes as she watched the Utah Senate pass a controversial medical marijuana bill that she says won’t help her but would help thousands of Utahns. […]

Feds Slap 70% Tax on Legal Marijuana Businesses – The Daily Beast

A law passed in the ’80s to prevent drug dealers from getting tax breaks is now taking a huge chomp out of legitimate outfits in Colorado and Washington.Legal marijuana sales in Colorado and Washington State have grossed billions, but legal dealers will see little of that thanks to a draconian federal law meant to punish […]