California Tracks Marijuana from Seed to Sale using METRC

As of January 2. 2018, the California Cannabis Commission tracks the marijuana supply chain from the point at which a plant is 8 inches tall through the point(s) of sale using METRC.

“Rebecca Forée, a spokesperson for California Department of Food and Agriculture, explained via email. “Once we have completed and approved annual cannabis licenses — and the licensees have completed a state-mandated training on the California Cannabis Track-and-Trace (CCTT) system — the system will be used to record the inventory and movement of cannabis and cannabis products through the state’s commercial cannabis supply chain, from cultivation to sale.””

California Tracks Marijuana using METRCThe track-and-trace system uses RFID tags to ensure compliance and public health.

Source: California tracks marijuana from seed to sale — GCN

Adilas420 helps Cannabis Business owners track from seed to CPA using which seamlessly integrates with Metrc and a tried and true set of standard operating procedures for data entry and supply chain management.

Metrc and Adilas have been developing side by side and working together to produce a track and trace and seed to sale software system that works for both regulators and business owners.

Adilas provides software for enterprise resource planning and reporting for retailers, distributors, cultivators and processors.

Learn more, take a course or contact us today for more information.


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